Monday, September 9, 2019

Hydraulic Fracturing In Coal Seam Gas Mining Dissertation

Hydraulic Fracturing In Coal Seam Gas Mining - Dissertation Example There is a lot of misinformation in the public debate - most due to a lack of scientific understanding about the issue.  (Provide literature about this) V. To inform the debate about the expansion of the CSG sector, companies need to be transparent and make their information publicly available. (Is the CSG sector, with all its companies, being transparent and make their information publicly available?) VI. I am interested in exploring the range of scientific community, industry and general community perspectives, as well as the level of trust, in the CSG sector as it is a key factor in public support. (What are the perspectives of the scientific community, industry and general community, and their level of trust in the CSG sector? Do they support it or not?) The process of hydraulic fracturing originated in the United States in 1947 to stimulate the flow of natural gas from the Hugoton field in Kansas (Halliburton 2012). After six decades, more than 1.1 million fracturing activities have been conducted that delivered more than 600 trillion cubic feet of natural gas to American consumers. Halliburton (2012) elaborated that there are currently 9 out of 10 onshore wells that need fracture stimulation to remain or become viable. The technology behind the shale gas development is very promising that it offers massive monetary revenue increases, aside from the clean energy potentials that can be tapped (EPA 2012). However, the actual methods of hydraulic fracturing to stimulate gas wells have been observed to pose both environmental and humanitarian risks that it aroused public concerns which led to a worldwide questioning of the legality of its procedures and operations.

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